Windsor to Host 2022 Can-Am Police-Fire Games

The Can-Am Police-Fire Games started as the Northwest Police-Fire Games in 1977 when officials from two state police and fire games (Washington and Oregon) and a police-fire sports group from Western Canada formed an organization that organized and conducted a multi-sport event for police officers and fire fighters on an annual basis moving to every other year in 1996.

The event has been held in both Canada and the United States since 1977 with host city selections made through a bid process. 

Along with first responders, spouses are also eligible to compete as well as adult children and their spouses, over 18 years of age. Typically between 800 to 1,000 competitors plus spouses and/or families attend these games booking approximately 600 room nights per day for the week of the Games.

The final three cities Windsor, Ontario, Lubbock, Texas and Lethbridge, Alberta made their final bid presentations in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri back December of 2017.

Some of the 33 compulsory Sports include:
Archery (Target, Field, 3-D)
Bench Press
Bowling (10 Pin)
Cross Country (5K)(10K)(Criterium)(Road Race)(Time Trials)
Ice Hockey
Mountain Bike
Narcotics Dog
Pistol (Duty)(Police Action)(PPC)
Police Service Dog (Canine)
Power Lifting
Running (5K) (10K) (21K)
Slow Pitch Softball
Sporting Clays
Submission Grappling
Track and Field
T.C.A. (Toughest Competitor Alive)
T.F.A. (Toughest Firefighter Alive)
Texas Hold’em
Trap Shooting

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